Need a professional, low-cost, experienced book editor? You’ve come to the right place!

I’ve had a number of interesting jobs throughout my life. I have always loved reading. A few years ago, through the Internet, I met several wonderful authors. I helped a few of them out, and that started me in my new editing career. I’ve edited short stories, novellas, full-length manuscripts, book synopses, and have done final line edits on books. I work independently as well as for publishing companies. I’m an active member of an organization called the Paranormal Romance Guild where at least half of the members are authors (many are Indie/self-published). I am also the PRG’s Information Officer.

I’ve gotten inside information about all of the work (and joy) that is involved in being an author. I’ve found out that most new authors cannot afford the high cost of editing services, so I decided to put my excellent proofreading, copy-editing and English skills to work and help bridge that gap for them with much more reasonably priced editing services and payment methods. I’ve been a mega-reader since middle school and a supporter of authors.

I do not read/edit all genres of books. Right now, these are the types of books that I would take under consideration for editing:

Young children’s books; Middle grade; Teen books;

Superhero fantasy; Sci-fi; Action/Adventure; some Non-fiction; Business; Educational; Websites; Articles.

Romances: paranormal, contemporary, romantic suspense, erotic romance {romantica}, urban fantasy, young adult, new adult.

Feel free to contact me about YOUR book, even if it’s not in the genres listed above – I would be happy to consider it.

I can also edit a blurb/synopsis, query letter, or blog for you.

Lea Ellen {night owl in IL}

NOTE – I am not a beta reader.

Remember, every error is annoying for your reader and disrupts their reading rhythm. By eliminating any sticky grammar spots, you will have a better chance of getting your message across to your reader and not ending up in the junk pile.

Why be concerned with punctuation?

An English professor wrote this phrase on a blackboard:

“A woman without her man is nothing” and asked his students to punctuate it correctly.

All of the males in the class wrote: “A woman, without her man, is nothing.”

All of the females in the class wrote: “A woman: without her, man is nothing.”

Borrowed from multiple sources.

Ah, the power of punctuation.

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